School Uniform
School Sweatshirts with logo in all sizes- £8
School Cardigans with logo in all sizes - £8.50
School book bags with logo - £4.00
These items can be purchased from the school office on Tuesdays at 3pm.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties please speak to your child's teacher or the member of staff at your child's admission interview. We can support you with uniform costs.
We have a school uniform. Governors expect all children to wear school uniform. This consists of:
- Sweatshirts and cardigans with the school logo are available to purchase at school.
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress, trousers or jogging bottoms
- White shirt, T-shirt or polo shirt
- Bottle green or grey shalwar kameez
- Sensible shoes or trainers (not open-toed, backless or high heeled)
- Any head scarves need to be plain white
Suitable clothing may be purchased from local children’s clothing shops and from chain stores eg Primark, Asda. All clothing should be comfortable, washable, easy to put on and remove, and appropriate for the weather.
Young children should be taught how to deal with buttons, zips, shoe laces and buckles.
All clothing must be labelled with your child’s name. If you don’t do this, it may result in expensive losses for you and a lot of extra work for us.
For safety and comfort, we require all pupils to have a full change of clothes and footwear for P.E, as follows:
- T-shirt and shorts or leggings, or a leotard
- Plimsolls or trainers for outdoor P.E
- A tracksuit may be worn in winter.

This is not allowed at school, apart from stud earrings, watches, and jewellery worn for religious reasons. We make this rule for safety and security reasons and we expect parents to help us with keeping it. In any case, all jewellery must be removed for P.E. lessons for safety reasons.
In some year groups pupils will have swimming lessons at the local pool. For this, they will need to bring a swimsuit, towel and swimming cap (this can be purchased from the leisure centre). Girls may choose to wear footless tights and a long-sleeved leotard.