Year 5 visited the Science Museum where they had the opportunity to visit the ‘Exploring Space’ gallery. They were amazed by all of the models of planets and the history of Space!
Earlham’s Summer Holiday club W1
Week 1 of Earlham’s Summer Holiday club was a great success! Children enjoyed break dancing, fencing, arts and crafts, a range of games, sports and a visit to FairPlay House outdoor education centre. Each day they enjoyed a healthy lunch and daily nutrition education.
Click the image on the left to see more!
International Week
International Week was a huge success at Earlham. Each class learned so much about the physical and human geography, culture, food, music, art, religion and language of the country they were focusing on.
Click the image on the left to see the different foods, culture, clothing, music and art from the children and parents.
Year 6 Activity Week
Beech and Oak Class celebrate their final year at Earlham Primary School by going on multiple fun trips and having a great time. Good luck in the future and we will miss you!
Click the picture on the left to see the fun activities.
Canary Wall Climbing
Go Ape
Pizza Express
I Can Be Celebration
This was a celebration of how great they have been throughout this programme. The girls met Anastasia, director of ICB. They reflected on which careers they enjoyed learning about and also spoke about what careers they want to be when they're older. The girls also received certificates for their achievements.
Sports Day 2022
What a sports day scorcher!
A fantastic sports day at ClaptonCFC rounded off with Year Group races.
Thank you to ClaptonCFC for the use of the stadium and facilities.
Reception Graduation
Reception celebrated their graduation on Friday. They have all worked really hard this year. Congratulations Reception!
Oak's proud art work
Reception Art Workshop
We had a member of the team at saatchi gallery come in and discuss some different art pieces and how they are created. We explored abstract and fascinating art work together and looked at the types of artwork they were such as “instillations”
She also explained the meanings of the key words she introduced. We looked at artwork from different perspectives and she explained why and how perspective can affect how we see art.
Year 2 Local Community Garden
Year 2 visited the local community garden this term. Our visit further supported our work on plants which we have been learning about this term. We were able to see some of the wildlife as well as handle them too and get a closer look at some different plants.
Hyde Park Barracks
What an experience!!! Earlham pupils visited Hyde Park Barracks for a fascinating day finding out about all the careers that are involved in guarding the Queen
Clifford Chance
Year 6 had an amazing opportunity to visit Clifford Chance as part of their careers learning and loved finding out what jobs are involved in the legal services. They also loved seeing the impressive facilities
Science Museum
Year 6 children visited the Science Museum in South Kensington on the 7th June where they explored exhibitions and learnt about scientific discoveries and achievements. A few hours spent in the Wonderlab gallery provided the students with an endless amount of entertainment - from experiencing static electricity, the effect of friction on slides to freezing water.
Trip to the Wallace Collection
Last Thursday, Year 3 classes went on a trip to the Wallace Collection , in honour of art week.
The kids really enjoyed the workshop there, in which they discovered new art pieces and portraits, and even got the chance to sketch and explore their creativity.
They were really impressed with the whole building and all the amazing pieces of art, including sculptures, jewelry, paintings, Army clothes, etc.
Westminster Abbey
Year 2 visited Westminster Abbey for a Kings and Queens and coronation tour and reenactment. Their unit this term is Kings and Queens and they have been learning about King Henry VIII. Today at their visit they found out how a coronation works and saw the exact place that it takes place.
Queen's Jubilee
Earlham hosted a Jubilee Lunch for all pupils and staff on Friday 27th May 2022
Healthy eating workshop for Parents
Thank you to all the parents who joined Earlham's interactive learning workshop focusing on food, packaging healthy lunches, leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise.
Freshwater theatre workshop exploring the Windrush
73 years ago, the ship Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks, Essex. Year 5s discover how it changed London forever.
Nursery Queen's jubilee picnic
Nursery Queen's jubilee picnic on the skygarden
Year 6 visit the Natural History Museum
Year 6 visited the Natural History Museum to investigate climate change for Geography and recapped their prior knowledge around fossils for Science.
Saturday's diverse cinema
Earlham's anti-racism teams's first diverse cinema film showing to raise money for anti-racism projects.
Yr 1 Visit Broadstairs
Year 1 beside the sea.
Brave Workshops
Our Year 5s and 6s learnt about how we can safeguard ourselves against gang exploitation and violent extremism.
Walk to school week
We took part in walk to school week from 16th of May to 20th of May. Thank you to our school council team, our families, school travel plan team, Newham Stratford councillors Mr Harji Hirani and Joshua Garfield.
Earlham F.C
Earlham's football team achieved 2nd place at an Interschool competition organised by Tapscott Sports. Next time we are going for gold!
Year 2 Science Habitats workshop at West Ham Park
Year 2 learning about minibeasts and their microhabitats.
Red Nose Day!
The Earlham children took part in the Red Nose Day annual fundraising campaign with the mission to end child poverty by raising money to keep children safe, healthy, educated and empowered.
Year 3 Museum
Year 3 visited the British Museum and took the underground Train to get there!
They watched and learnt about Acient Egypt, China and India.
Year 4 Church Visit
Year 4 visited the Church and learnt all about the Easter story. They explored different types of crosses and listened to the story of resurrection. The children had a look inside the church and asked questions about different symbols.
Year 5 Science Museum
I can Be
I Can Be introduces 7–8-year-old girls to the world of work, helping them to discover the opportunities around them. Through I Can Be, the girls have the chance to learn about many different jobs and meet many inspiring professionals, building their curiosity and confidence along the way.
Earlham's ICC World Cup Visit
Earlham supported the Bowl Out Racism campaign and enjoyed a visit from the Cricket World Cup!

Year 3 sing with BBC singers
Hazel and Elder classes enjoyed this fantastic opportunity of a virtual sing along with the @BBCSingers.
Nature Club visit Cody Dock
Earlham's Nature Club visited Cody Dock for the Big Garden Bird Watch. They had a great time and learnt a lot. They even saw a nesting pair of peregrine falcons!
Earlham supports NSPCC number day
All of us at Earlham were delighted to support the important work done by the children’s charity NSPCC by taking part in Number Day on Friday 4th February 2022. We had a fun day of maths activities and we took part in Dress up for Digits. Pupils and teachers wore an item of clothing with a number on it (football shirt, cap, netball shirt or even a onesie!). Some got even more creative by dressing in a maths or numbers theme. Children as well as teachers had a fantastic time and Earlham raised over £200 for the NSPCC!
Earlham's Christmas holiday Club 2021
Earlham's holiday provision was as successful as ever. Children enjoyed a range of activities including sports, games and arts and crafts!
Earlham's Christmas Play 2021
Please enjoy our production of Lights! Camel! Action! The Sequin!
Follow along the journey as we see the characters of the traditional Christmas story brought to life in song and dance.
We hope you have fun watching it
Click video on the left to watch the full video!
Stars of the Term!
Here are our stars of the term! Thank you for being well-being super stars!

Year 6 Fancy awards ceremony
Year 6 at a fancy awards ceremony in Canary Wharf after winning 3rd place for Best Class Effort in the Open City London Architecture in Schools programme.
Our SEND children loved the SEND Sports Festival
Here East Architect in Schools programme
Year 5 went on a visit to Here East as part of their Architect in Schools programme. Architects from Morris and Company led the session where pupils looked at the unique designs of the buildings at Here East as well as the materials used to make the different parts of the building.
Click the image to see more!
Black History Month
Black History Month is observed throughout the month of October in the UK, with the overall objective of celebrating and recognising the importance of black history. During this month, the idea is to remember important people and events in the history of the African community. At Earlham, we strongly believe in embracing all cultures and celebrating diversity to promote an anti-racist school environment. Click the image to see more.
Hello Yellow Mental Health awareness day
We all struggle with how we’re feeling sometimes. But the little things you do can make a BIG difference.
Wear something yellow to school on 8 October and donate £2 to YoungMinds. Together, we’ll show young people they’re not alone with their mental health. Click the image to see more.
Maths Trail
Maths trails are a fun and engaging way to use and learn maths skills outdoors. They can be used to apply and enhance learning in different contexts and to make numeracy and maths learning relevant by linking it to real life, demonstrating maths in the world around us. Click the image to see the maths trail class gallery.