Oxford Owl
We have recently signed up to the Oxford Owl Reading Website and created logins for each class so that every child can access this fantastic free resource both at home and at school. We send eBooks to help your child with their reading at home. You’ll also find advice from educational experts on many areas including phonics and how to help a child who is struggling with their reading.
Reading is so important and we try to encourage the children to read every day. We are sure you have lots of books at home that the children can read and have read to them, but in addition to this you could use the Oxford Owl Free eBook library to access reading books which are colour banded, as they are in school.
We ask parents to listen to their children read on Oxford Owl for:
- 10-15 minutes every day in Reception and Year 1
- 10-15 minutes every day in Year 2
Please click the Owl below and it will direct you to the Oxfor Owl login page
School code: xrw7
Bug Club
We send library books and books from the class reading corner home each week, and we also have an online reading programme paid for by the school, Bug Club. Bug Club enables your child's teacher to allocate them books at their level. The children read the books and answer questions, and the teacher can see their answers and mark them. The teacher can check books at any time and allocate new books as needed. We ask parents to listen to their children read on Bug Club for:
- 5-10 minutes every day in Reception and Year 1
- 10-15 minutes every day in Years 2, 3 and 4
- 15 - 20 minutes every day in Years 5 & 6
Please watch the video tutorial below on how to log on to Bug Club.

Here is a video showing you some of our top tips in action.