School Council
Our team of School Councillors carry the pupil voice for their class - they canvas ideas, current issues and suggestions of how to move forward. Key skills that School Councillors develop include the ability to actively listen, empathise, work collaboratively with other pupils and adults on fundraising events and projects. They lead presentations in assemblies and class, and represent the school at meetings with members of the wider community. The democratic voting system for our School Councillors provides a great opportunity for children to prepare campaigns, make speeches, and canvas for the support for their peers.
All classrooms have a Pupil Voice Shout Out display board, which is managed by the School Councillors. They encourage pupils to write up shout outs to other children and adults in the school that acknowledge those who are modelling our school values: happy and hopeful; curious and confident; resilient and respectful; caring and creative. School Councillors celebrate these in our whole school assembly at the start of every half term.
Regular School Council meetings take place with members of SLT and pupils take turns to take the minutes of the meeting and plan their immediate and medium term actions for initiatives they would like to lead.
Councillors take pride in wearing their School Council badge and are exemplary role models the rest of the school looks up to.
Our School Councillors and Deputies have recently been elected by their peers after campaigning and canvasing for votes.