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Google Classroom

Debash Hazel working at home

We use Google Classroom for off-site learning, including homework.

This page has some top tips that we hope will help you.

If you can't find what you need, email us and we'll see if we can help.

Logging on to Google Classroom

Here is your step by step guide to logging on to Google Classroom.

Logging on to Google Classroom.mp4

This video tutorial shows you how to log on

Handing in work on Google Classroom

Watch this video about how to hand in your work on Google Classroom

How to hand in work on Google Classroom.mp4

We asked our pupils to be our IT experts and make a video showing how to hand in work on Google Classroom - here is Talha explaining how to do this.

Talha Be an IT Expert.mp4

Using Google Classroom

To use Google Classroom on a PC you will need to install Google Chrome

How to Download Google Chrome on Laptop or Computer.mp4

Do you have problems viewing videos

Some of you have told us that when you are watching the lessons the video stops working. This might be because you have an older version of Google Chrome. This video shows how to check that you have the most up to date version of Google Chrome, which should mean you can watch all your lessons.

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