Aims and Values
Learning opens doors; learning changes lives.
At Earlham we believe that all children deserve the very best education. All our pupils have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, so they can begin to choose their path in life and to flourish in the world.
Happy and hopeful
Curious and confident
Resilient and respectful
Caring and creative
Equal Opportunities
At Earlham Primary School, all children have the right to equal opportunities in all aspects of school life regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion or any other factor. We actively oppose discrimination and stereotyping of all kinds and aim for all our children to develop a sense of respect for others.
Earlham Primary School takes the safety of every child very seriously. We have a safeguarding team who value the emotional and social development of each child. We promote pupil voice throughout the school, helping children take care of themselves and each other to ensure that they thrive within our school community.
Our curriculum is designed to provide our pupils with the foundations of a love of lifelong learning, to give them ‘powerful’ knowledge which enables them to engage with and communicate about the world beyond their lived experience, and to think analytically and critically about the world around them.
Our British Values and our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
Our curriculum has running through it the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We teach these across our whole curriculum, not just through our PSHE lessons. More importantly, we model this in our behaviour and attitudes to each other, adults and children alike.
Our spiritual, moral, social and cutlural learning is integral to all our curriculum. At Earlham we explore beliefs and experiences; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect throughout the day.
You can read a more detailed statement about this by clicking the link below..