Bunny, our school dog
Bunny helps children who are scared of dogs to overcome their fears. They spend time petting and stroking Bunny, and walking her around the school.


Most importantly, Bunny is a really important part of our wellbeing. She's always available for cuddles and wellbeing walks with children or adults who need a bit of cheering up!
Children love to draw Bunny, and she has appeared in many stories and poems in our creative writing lessons. Some Year 6 pupils have even composed a Bunny song!
Bunny, a golden miniature cockapoo (carefully chosen for her hypoallergenic, non shedding coat, big brown eyes and sweet personality) joined Earlham in January 2019.
Bunny does some important jobs around our school.
Each week the class with the best attendance gets 'Bunny time' - a visit from Bunny. She also attends reward trips and holiday fun days.

Bunny is being trained as a therapy dog. As well as working with pupils to improve their wellbeing, she is learning to help shy and unconfident children to read. And she helps promote our Book Fairs - Bunny loves books!

Bunny is our superhero dog!