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The School Day

Screenshot 2024-08-21 182757PE days for website

What should my child bring to school?

Your child should not bring anything to school other than a labelled water bottle and a book bag for reading books every Friday. Please send your child in wearing their PE kit on the days when they have PE lessons. Your child is given a reading book to bring home from school which is changed weekly. 

How can I contact my child's teacher?

We love chatting to parents at the end of the day, teachers are available when they have dimissed their classes and SLT are always in the playground and happy to chat through any questions or queries. As we priortise our fitness sessions at the start of the day teachers are not able to chat with parents before school, however the members of SLT on the gate are happy to pass on any messages to your child's teacher. If you need to make a longer appointment to speak to a teacher please call the school office.

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